Episode #217 – Alina Celeste
“Alina Celeste‘s music is creative, joyous, and eclectic, much like her hometown, Miami, Florida. As a child, she thrived in a multi-cultural, multi-generational environment that held no reservations about the phrase “I love you … Te quiero.” Be sure to check out her song ‘Love Is’, which is the title track of the album at the end of the show!
As Alina explains, “After living in Los Angeles and touring America for the better part of a decade, when I moved back to Miami, I realized how much my childhood was blessed by this uncommon metropolis. It became my mission to share my hometown’s culture with the world at large and to celebrate the many loving relationships that have been part of my life. The album title, Love is TeĀ Quiero, makes me smile because it is reflective of how people often speak in Miami — saying something in one language and then immediately in the other!””