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Episode #279 – Pierce Freelon
Pierce Freelon is an inspiration. He’s a musician, politician, and educator. He has a brand new record called ‘Black to the Future’ which just came out a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed learning from him and hearing all about his inspiration(s) for making music. Make sure to listen all the way to the end to hear the song ‘Braid My Hair’.
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Episode #278 – Michael Hearst
I had so much fun talking to Michael Hearst about his 47 (!!!) song new record Unconventional Vehicles. It was great to get to know Michael and learn all about his musical projects from unconventional vehicles to extraordinary people and unusual creatures. This talk is a blast. Get to know Michael and stay tuned all the way to the end of the show to hear his songs ‘Graf Zeppelin Airship’ and ‘Winston Wong Ice Vehicle’.
Episode #277 – Erica Rabner
Hello my friends! It was great to welcome my new best friend Erica Rabner to the Good Stuff Kids Podcast. We talked a lot about her background as well as her brand new record ‘We Got This’ and the importance of Real Talk! Stay tuned all the way to the end of the show to hear her brand new song ‘Slack’. Be sure to check out the video for her song ‘You’re Not Alone’ here as well:
Episode #276 – Aaron Nigel Smith
It’s Aaron Nigel Smith! We had a great conversation talking about Reggae, his music and so much in between! “Aaron Nigel Smith & The One World Chorus — Live in LA was released on August 15th, distributed by Bob Marley’s Tuff Gong International. This is an uplifting collection of reggae songs, some Aaron Nigel Smith originals (like “One”) and some traditional and cover songs (“Fanga Alafia,” “Simon Says,” “One Love,” “If I Had a Hammer”).
Listen to his song ‘One’ at the end of our interview.
Episode #275 – Tracy Bonham
Tracy Bonham & Melodeon Music House is set to release a record for families called ‘Young Maestro’s Vol. 1’. “The album, set to be released April 16, 2021 on Bonham’s Melodeon Music House label, is a celebration of music and movement that includes 11 songs that aren’t only fun to dance and sing along to but also teach musical concepts in an entertaining and light-hearted way.” Stick around until the end of the show to hear her brand new song ‘Me Symphony’.
Side Note: I’ve been listening to Tracy’s music for years. I was starstruck. She’s awesome!
Episode #274 – Sara Watkins
It was an honor to welcome Sara Watkins to the Good Stuff Kids Podcast to talk about her new kids and family record ‘Under the Pepper Tree’. You may know Sara from lot’s of the projects that she is involved with (Nickel Creek, I’m With Her, Watkins Family Hour), and it was really fun to hear her describe this new record as well as hearing about how she started playing music. Be sure to listen all the way to the end to hear the brand new songs ‘Night Singing’.
Episode #273 – Poco Drom
Welcome to Poco Drom! I knew that we needed to talk when he described his music as Family Friendly Electro Grunge. That’s 4 distinct words that sound awesome together. Check out his song ‘Cats Like To Swim’ at the end of the show!
Episode #272 – Roger Day
Oh yeah! Check out Roger Day and his song ‘Solve the Problem, Save the Day’ (which you can hear at the end of the episode!). This is a great chat. Roger is awesome. “Award-winning children’s musician Roger Day has devoted his life to making sure that future generations sing loud, jump high, and–most importantly–dream big. His signature wit, whimsy, and wordplay have helped put smiles on the faces of kids from one to ninety-two. Roger believes that though “Life is full of problems. It’s full of answers too!”
Episode #271 – Ruth and Emilia Return
It was a pleasure to welcome back Ruth and Emilia! They have a brand new album ‘Kokowanda Bay’!. “In their latest album, planet Goopda sends URR back to help Emilia and her friends save beautiful Kokowanda Bay. Soon the two are rocking their way through the three Rs (recycling, reducing and reusing). Sing and dance along as the duo learns how they can heal the world by working together.” Check out their song ‘Get On Up’ at the end of the episode.
Episode #270 – Claudia Gunn Returns
It was so great to talk to Claudia Gunn about her brand new record ‘Little Wild Universe’. “Little Wild Universe is a sparkling and expansive album of family music for beautiful minds by Claudia Robin Gunn.” Stay tuned all the way to the end of the episode to hear the song ‘Rocketride (Kiwi Kids in Space)’. And check the video!