Episode #162 – Randy and Dave / Wendy Morgan

Episode #162 – Randy and Dave / Wendy Morgan

Good Stuff Kids
Good Stuff Kids
Episode #162 - Randy and Dave / Wendy Morgan

It’s a double whammy to get you ready for the weekend! Wendy Morgan from Wendy and DB comes back to talk about a brand new song called ‘Way Is Peace’, and there is a strong message behind this one: By working in collaboration with not-for-profit groups on their latest single “Way is Peace”. “This special song highlights the true meaning of peace and love, and the good that can come to children as they embrace these universal qualities. The proceeds from the upcoming single release will benefit Cure Violence.” Stay tuned after my conversation with Wendy to hear a clip of the song, and be sure to download it here to support this very important cause.

Randy and Dave return to talk about their brand new record ‘Snorkel’. ‘Snorkel’ is “another flock of clever, cheeky, laugh-out-loud funny songs that can come only from the minds of Randy & Dave.” You can hear the song ‘Mr. Bershmiker’ from the new album after our conversation!


Episode #91 – Wendy Morgan (Wendy and DB) Pt. 1

Episode #91 – Wendy Morgan (Wendy and DB) Pt. 1

Good Stuff Kids
Good Stuff Kids
Episode #91 - Wendy Morgan (Wendy and DB) Pt. 1

Wendy and DB make great music for kids and families to enjoy together. They pride themselves on their live performances and for making songs with a message. From their website: “On their newest album “HomeEarth”, Wendy & DB, a dynamic duo/band from Chicago, address the important messages for children and all people that we need to work together, be happy, feel our feelings, and take care of our wonderful world and ALL the folks that live in it.” Now that makes a whole lot of sense! This is a two part-er. Episode 91 will feature Wendy Morgan talking about all things Wendy and DB. Episode 92 will focus on DB and his approach to making great music for kids and families.