Episode #169 – Lee Overtree (Story Pirates)

Lee Overtree and the Story Pirates Podcast were critical to the creation of the Good Stuff Kids Podcast. I vividly remember my son and I listening to the Story Pirate’s podcast as we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco to Marin. We loved it from first listen. I was so happy to have a chance to talk to Lee about all aspects of the Story Pirates. It’s more than a podcast, it’s a program that goes into schools and teaches writing and creative fun. You will not believe how many Story Pirates there are working around the country! Lee finds the meaning behind the stories and honors the kid authors throughout this conversation.
There are two Story Pirates books as well as a brand new record called ‘Nothing Is Impossible’. What I loved the most about this conversation with Lee is how much he loves the stories that kids write and he values and honors the writers with such authenticity.