Good Stuff Kids
Good Stuff Kids
Episode #124 - Bitcoin 101 with Joel Salvino / Nik Lettuce Clubhouse

Do you know anything about bitcoin? I know nothing. I had another talk with Joel Salvino from Good Stuff Sports #14 because in addition to being an expert hiker/backpacker, he also knows about bitcoin. Joel did the best that he could to teach me, but I’m pretty sure I just don’t get block chains and mining for bitcoin. Anyhow, it was really fun, and you’ll probably get it quicker than I ever will.

I also talked to Nik Lettuce, whose brand new podcast for kids and families ‘Nik Lettuce Clubhouse’ is premiering in April 19th. It was great to talk to Nik, and he made some Wrestlemania predictions.

Obviously, good stuff for kids and families is not limited in scope! Wrestling, bitcoin, and crows. All in one episode. Enjoy!