Welcome to the first ever Camp Newman podcast episode. Camp Newman is a Reform Jewish overnight camp in Santa Rosa, California.
In this special episode of the Good Stuff Kids Podcast, we let some campers take over as they bring you an “audio documentary” right from camp. You’ll hear interviews with campers and staff around URJ Camp Newman about their own camp experiences and daily life at camp during the summer. (Everything you hear was recorded on site at camp, so please excuse any loud ambient noise.)
We hope that you felt the love of camp as much as we do and we hope to see you next summer at URJ Camp Newman. This podcast can be found at www.goodstuffpod.com and the Camp Newman Facebook Page. If you want more information about camp please visit campnewman.org.
The interviews on this podcast were conducted by Benji, Hayden, Sarah, Leon, Rachael, Ari, and our counselor Hannah from Hagigah 2016! Thanks for listening!
(Intro and outro music by Bensounds: www.bensounds.com.)